Tues August 4th 11.30 am Interview with Luke and Susie
Wed August 5th 9 am interview with Verity Hughes ABC
Wed August 5th 7.30 pm Brisbane Libraries Facebook Livestream event
Thurs August 6th 11 am Central Coast Libraries Interview and Q&A with Sandie Docker
Sat August 8th Interview in QWeekend (Courier Mail)
Mon August 10th 2 pm ABC Brisbane Afternoons Book Club with Kat Feeney
Tues August 11th 8.40 am Interview with Michael Clarke ABC radio Townsville
Tues August 11th 12.30 pm via Zoom Frankston Library Facebook Live Online Author Talk
Tues August 18th 2 pm Port Macquarie Library Online Author Talk and Q&A session with librarian Leanne Wright
Wed August 19th 7 pm Casey Cardinia Libraries Online Author Talk https://www.centralcoast.nsw.gov.au/libraries/whats-on/library-online-barbara-hannay-conversation-sandie-docker
Thurs August 20th 6 pm Richmond Tweed Libraries Facebook Live Event
Tues August 25th 12.30 pm City of Onkaparinga Library https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/barbara-hannay-online-author-talk-tickets-115009969916
And here’s a list of all the wonderful bloggers and the dates they’ll be posting their reviews and thoughts for The Sister’s Gift.